Chan-Meister Sheng Yen 聖嚴

Chan-Meister ShengYen

Meister Sheng Yen und seine Übertragungslinie

Shi-Fu Sheng Yen wurde 1930 nördlich von Shanghai geboren, mit 14 Jahren wurde er Novize in den Wolfsbergen, Jiangsu. Nach der Machtübernahme der Maoisten gelangte er mit der nationa­lis­tischen Armee nach Taiwan. Im Alter von 30 wurde er wieder als Mönch ordiniert und verbrachte etwas später 6 Jahre im Einzel-Retreat. Darnach studierte er in Japan und schloß mit dem Doktorat in Buddhologie ab und verbreitete anschließend den Dharma in den USA, übernahm die Leitung des Klosters seines Lehrers in Taiwan und gründete den Berg der Dharma­trommel.

Ein Hauptanliegen von Meister Sheng Yen ist es, den Buddhismus und die Ausbildungsqualität der Mönche und Nonnen anzuheben. Selber ein Gelehrter und Autor von über 100 Büchern errichtete er das Chung-Hwa Institut für Buddhistische Studien und die Dhrarma Drum University. In den letzten Jahren engagierte er sich im Dialog mit führenden Persönlichkeiten in Wissenschaft und Kultur und im interreligiösen Dialog. Meister Sheng Yen ist Linienhalter der Linji (als Dharmaerbe von Meister Lingyuan) und der Caodong Tradition (als Dharmaerbe von Meister Dongchun). Es hat sowohl die Essenz des Hua’tou Chan der Linji Linie gefestigt, wie die Praxis des Stillen Gewahrseins (Mo zhao) der Caodonglinie erneuert. Er gründete die Linie des Dharma Trommel Berges des Chinesischen Humanistischen Chan Buddhismus, die auch im indischen Buddhismus begründet und vom tibetischen Buddhismus inspiriert ist. Wie der engagierte Buddhismus verbindet sie die individuelle Praxis mit einem sozialen Wirken in der Welt und unterhält verschiedene Hilfsorganisationen.


Meister Sheng-Yen ist am 3. Februar 2009 friedlich verstorben.

Brief des Abtes des Dharmatrommelberges zum Ableben von Meister Sheng-Yen

Dear Dharma upholders and followers of Dharma Drum Mountain,



Our guiding teacher in life, Master Sheng Yen (Shifu), passed away peacefully on February 3th, 2009 at 4:00pm, in Taiwan. He relinquished his physical body and entered parinirvana amidst the recitation of the Buddha’s name by his monastic disciples led by the Abbot President. With this letter, we are proceeding with Shifu’s instructions to notify you of his passing as soon as it occurred.

Shifu once described the course of his life as being full of illness and difficulty, yet he was always full of gratitude. He said this about himself, “Although I led a very busy life, very seldom was I troubled by matters out of concern for myself.” While advocating “Protecting the Social Environment”, Shifu pointed out that “Death is neither a joyful matter, nor an occasion for grief; rather it’s an occasion for a noble and solemn Buddhist ritual.” He stated in his will in 2004 that, “Though nothing happens, we’ve grown old in our busy lives. We cry and laugh, all in emptiness. There is originally no self, so both life and death can be cast aside.” Shifu viewed matters concerning aging, sickness, birth and death with an open-mindedness, demonstrating the expansive breadth of his mind that transcends the vexations of birth and death. This is Shifu’s most earnest admonition to us, and his spirit serves as an exemplary model for us all to emulate.

Shifu’s tireless lifelong mission of spreading the Dharma and bringing benefit to all sentient beings through his travels and undertakings could not have been realized without your involvement. Shifu was always grateful for all of the support and devotion that you have shown him throughout his life. As Shifu had instructed, we would like to convey to you on his behalf his utmost gratitude, blessings, and bid of farewell.

Under Shifu’s leadership, Dharma Drum Mountain has developed into a well-established organization and it will continue to operate to carry on Shifu’s legacy by way of DDM’s ethos in making contributions to society and to all sentient beings. In addition, DDM’s faithfuls; monastic or lay, are all under Shifu’s orders to never dispute over matters regarding properties, funds, power, and positions. Rather, we are expected to uphold the standards of “Compassion, Wisdom, Harmony and Respect” and to carry out the education based on the Four Kinds of Environmentalism. In accordance with Shifu’s pledge: “Although the universe may one day perish, my vows are eternal. What I am unable to accomplish in this life, I vow to push forward through countless future lives. What I am unable to accomplish personally, I exhort everyone to undertake together,” we will be united in mind and vows and set out to spread the Buddhadharma to benefit all sentient beings. Let us transform our grief into the strength of making vows and repaying kindness by jointly perpetuating Shifu’s vows of great compassion.

We’ve been truly blessed to have been able to study under Shifu. Today, he displayed for us the ease of being “Thus Come, Thus Gone.” We know just like us, you all must also feel the deep sense of sadness in having to part with Shifu. Yet we must remember that although Shifu’s physical body is no longer here with us, his Dharma-body has never left us, as his inexhaustible power of compassionate vows will forever remain in our hearts.

At this time, we sincerely ask that you pass on the information on the following Buddhist rituals to all who are also concerned about Shifu and DDM. Please go to any DDM-affiliated monasteries and branch centers to join our 14-day “Buddha-name recitation Dharma ritual: Repaying the Benevolence of Our Master” to show our gratitude and send our blessings to Shifu. Please stay in close contact with your DDM society and/or group (i.e. Buddha-name Chanting Society, Meditation Society, etc.). For more related news and information, please visit the DDM website at


With palms joined,

Shi Guo Dong, Abbot President

& the Sangha of Dharma Drum Mountain

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